Hair Talk with Sana
Summer hair styles
Some thing that I haven't really talked to much about yet here is hair!!! Hair is actually a pretty big part of my life. Aside from loving to shop and trying different clothing styles, I also have changed my hair quite a few times throughout the years. I've had short hair, long hair, blonde, purple... you name it and I most likely have tried it. One thing that I haven't had done in a little while is braids. When I was in high school and a little bit in college I would get them done quite often, but haven't had them since then. So, I was excited when Sana ( from Toni Burrell Hair Studio said that she would love to do my hair!!! Summer time is here, and it is very popular to put the hair away and rock different protective styles during the warm months. I got really long ombre' braids which took about 5 1/2 hours to get done. I filmed a little bit of the process and had a quick chat with Sana on some good tips for taking care of your natural hair and also good things to know about your hair while it is braided.
Check it out below...
**Before** This is my hair blow dried. I haven't blow dried my hair my self in a few years since I've been natural. It was so weird!!! I don't even own a blow dryer personally... I had to ask my mom for her's.
**After** I have been having a good time styling my braids and I don't have to worry about doing my own hair for a little while!!! Whoop Whoop!!! By the way braid decor is a popular trend right now. You can add yarn, beads, clips, rings or what ever you want to make your braids stand out. I decided to go with a silver and white theme for my braids. I thought it would be easy to match different looks and outfits with my hair. ;)
I'm excited to try different styles this summer and take you along with me!!!! Do you have a favorite hair style that you like to rock? Tell me about it!!