Summer Bloopers
Life is more fun when you are being Silly!!
Usually When I post photos you only see the "perfect" ones and don't know about the silly moments behind the scenes or see the photos that don't quite make the cut, So I thought it would be fun to share those moments with you all!!
I make the craziest faces, and some I don't really have an explanation for (Seriously)... You'll see exactly what I am talking about.
Here are some of my Summer Bloopers...
Shooting with Pretty Seven Boutique... Flies are Soooo annoying!!! Literally Right when this photo was being taken a little bug flew in my face...
I was in a fitness Video this Summer for One Fit Jam, and in between takes while the camera people were getting the shot together we danced around and sang random songs!!! We were all so tired! It was a 2 day shoot... Super long hours, and we had to stay awake and pumped up some how. If the video of bloopers ever comes out I will have to share it.
I'm sure in this photo some one most likely walked by and said something off the Wall. Haha it's always interesting shooting Bikinis in public where there is No Beach and No Pool. A lot people in San Diego I don't think are use to seeing photo shoots go on.
My friend Maria, Who Helps me take my OOTD photos, Always seems to catch me on my phone. If work can get done on my phone while I am out and about... it Can and Will get done before I get home to a computer later in the day.
If you can't tell by now, I always have a good time with all of the shoots and projects that I am part of. As long as work is getting done... there is always time for fun (at the appropriate moment of course)!!! I always try to share the behind the scenes, so that you have an idea of what really goes on and it's fun to share the inside scoop!!! Hope that you all have fun reading!!!
Have an amazing Holiday Weekend!!!